We are aware that we consume resources through our activities. We are constantly working to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible and to make ophthalmic optics sustainable. We are not interested in short-term trends, but in long-term sustainability success.
All company vehicles at Bartels are electric cars and are charged exclusively with power from renewable sources.
Renewable energies
Our heating and air conditioning systems are also powered exclusively by electricity from renewable sources. This also applies to the entire electrical system in the store. The electricity comes from regional production.
Packaging recycling
We save packaging, which has been sent to us and use it for our own shipments. When sending mail, we therefore either use packaging that has already been used or purchase cardboard packaging made from recycled material.
Modern grinding machines
Our grinding machines are cooled with a special water circuit. This means that we do not release microplastics into the waste water, which is the case with many grinding systems.
Regional products
As far as possible, we only buy regionally. This applies to all products at Bartels, especially for lenses and frame labels. We source our eyeglass lenses exclusively from German production. Our eyewear labels mainly manufacture within Europe.
Biodegradable spectacle frames
We offer various frames made of biological materials, for example, wood, natural horn or even beans. Frames from these materials are sustainable and biodegradable.
Tap water
Our drinking water comes from the tap, we completely avoid bottled water. Stadtwerke Aschaffenburg provides excellent drinking water, which we filter additionally. Therefore we save heaps of packaging waste as well as CO2 for transportation.